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IMC Mid-Year Business Tune-Up
June 13, 2019
Oakland City Center Conference Center
500 12th Street, Oakland, CA

Powerful Strategies for Attracting New Clients
to Your Consulting Business

Action Plan Marketing

What’s more important to your consulting practice than attracting more of your ideal clients? Not much, right? In putting together this IMC Mid-Year Business Tune-up, we asked our members what topics were most important to them. And marketing your consulting services was at the very top of the list. So we found two great speakers with backgrounds in marketing for consultants.

They’ll explore two of the most important marketing topics: How to generate leads and how to get the attention of prospective clients – in two in-depth interactive presentations with practical ideas you can apply to your consulting practice right away.

And we also organized an event where you could meet your fellow IMC members over lunch and network in addition to attending the two presentations. It will be a great day for consulting professional development. Here’s the schedule:

Registration: 9:30 AM

First Presentation: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30

Networking: 11:30 to 12:00

Lunch: 12:00 to 1:00

Networking: 1:00 to 1:30

Second Presentation: 1:30 to 3:00

Here are the details on the two interactive presentations:

Stop Chasing Business! Let it Chase You!

With Maille Colmer

ArticlesLead generation is essential to gaining new business, but did you get into business to do cold calling, sales, and marketing? No! You went into business to help your clients!

Learn how to build the right relationships that will bring you business. Relationships that will help you avoid the entrepreneur’s roller coaster of new client acquisition. Relationships that will allow you to focus more of your time on serving your clients.

Join business relationship expert, Maile Collmer, in this interactive program and walk away with:

  • Key relationships you already have that will bring you more business identified.
  • Action steps for a new, enjoyable way of developing new business that feels great!
  • The ability to provide more value to your clients.
  • Confidence in the growth of your ideal business!

How to Get Attention and Meetings with Humorous Emails

With Robert Middleton

Business economicsWe all want to get in front of more of our ideal prospective clients – those who can hire us for great projects. But it can be very hard getting meetings with C-Level executives we don’t know.

Unless we use emails infused with humor. A funny email (or LinkedIn message) can break through where nothing else does. It puts the recipient in a good mood, and increases both liking and trust.

In this engaging presentation, Robert Middleton, of Action Plan Marketing will show you how to write charming and engaging emails that get attention, meetings, and new clients.

  • Why humorous emails work better than almost anything else to get attention
  • How to write emails for three different audiences (Category 1, 2 and 3)
  • How these emails can strengthen all your other marketing activities.
  • How to get over your abject terror of using humor in your marketing

If growing your consulting business is important to you, we urge you to attend this special event and these two dynamic and fun presentations on attracting more of your ideal clients.

Reserve Your Space Today!

Early bird Price: $25 for members, $35 for non-members (until Friday, May 31)

Click here to make your reservation – (this will take you to an Eventbrite Reservation Page)

Event Sponsor


Bell Investment Advisors is pleased to sponsor IMC USA’s NorCal event
for independent business owners and consultants.

As specialists in Financial Planning, Investment Management and
Career/Life Coaching, our goal is:

To Improve Financial Futures, One Person at a Time.

Headquartered in the Bay Area since 1991

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