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A Special Webinar for the Action Plan Marketing Community 

Friday, July 24
At Noon Pacific (1Mntn, 2Cntrl, 3Estrn, 8UK, 9EU)
75 mins. (more or less)

By Zoom Video

Reserve Your Space Here:

If you do not see the sign-up form above, just send me an email at and I’ll sign you up myself!

It’s time to come out of hibernation and get briefed on the three most important skills for attracting new clients right now:

1. How to Create and Market HEOB Programs (High-End Outcome-Based).

2. How to Market and Sell your Programs and Services Virtually from your home office. 

3. How to Get More Meetings with Prospective Clients willing and ready to buy your programs and services. 

What else is there, right? 

Look, I’ve been doing this successfully for 35 years and virtually for 22. I have a good idea or two about this stuff and my webinars are both valuable and fun. (Plus a dose of lame humor.)

So, join me next Friday, already! 

This webinar is also an introduction to my upcoming Marketing Action Group Program in September. 

No obnoxious pitch, but I will make an irresistible offer that will get many people (maybe you) to say: “Wow, I did not expect that!”
See you there!

Reserve now at the form above. If you can’t see that pesky form, let me know at and I’ll sign you up myself. 

Cheers, Robert

P.S. Ask yourself this simple question: “What would be possible in my business if I could market and sell high-end programs and services to other businesses without ever leaving my home office?” This webinar answers exactly that question and leaves no doubt you can do it. 

P.P.S. There will a video recording for this webinar at the nominal fee of $5 if you are not able to attend. Attend live for free.

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