The Power of Silence in Marketing4 min read
If you asked people their definition of marketing, many would answer with one word: NOISE!
I often react that way as well – I’m tired of the noise.
Last year my wife and I disconnected our cable service and no longer watch TV with commercials. (We do watch shows on Amazon Instant Video and Netflix sans commercials).
It’s quite a relief no longer being bombarded by TV commercials. Their absence tends to somewhat quieten the mind’s insatiable demand for MORE.
Of course, email is bombarding all of us every day with commercial messages. And you also get some of those emails from me.
But there are different kinds of promotional email messages. Some are full of noise and some are full of silence.
What’s the difference?
“Noisy” emails are all about getting something “you can’t live without.” They’re full of hype, manipulation, and urgency.
I assume they work to some degree, on some people, but if you’re like me, they are also big turnoffs. Noisy emails don’t make me feel good. So I tend to tune them out.
“Silent” emails simply communicate about “what is.” There is no hype-factor, manipulation or false urgency.
Since I do my best to do email promotions from this place of silence, I can attest that they work very well. They speak to real needs and offer authentic solutions. They communicate clearly and honestly.
How do you write “Silent Email Promotions?”
I don’t think I’ve ever addressed this specifically, so I don’t have a step-by-step rulebook, but let me share how I approach doing promotions by email.
1. Offer Tangible Value – First of all, do I have a program or service that’s needed by Independent Professionals (my audience) which offers real, tangible value?
For me, tangible value is when my clients or students make positive changes as a result of our work that increases their ability to attract their ideal clients.
2. Make the Foundation Solid – A solid foundation comes from actual experience and expertise, not speculative principles and practices. You need to really know your stuff and be good at it.
When developing programs, I realize that nothing is as simple as it seems. So I pack them full of step-by-step how-tos.
3. Be Realistic in Your Promises – Promising an “Ultimate Outcome” is important, of course, but that outcome needs to be real and reachable if the client does the necessary work.
The tendency I see a lot these days is to promise way beyond what’s possible for an average client to achieve (with hardly any work required)!
4. Make Integrity Your Guide – If all else fails, tell the truth! Explain in depth what your services entail, but don’t embellish those services or give false promises. Also share the real challenges your clients will face in achieving their goals.
Unfortunately, a lot of marketers make outrageous promises and then blame the client if they don’t succeed. Don’t do that!
5. Put Service Above All Else – Service means the action of helping or doing work for someone. Everything you do in your business – including your email promotions – should actually add value. It should inform and inspire your audience.
Don’t think of your email promotions as something different than your business. They are the same as your business. You want your messages to be congruent, clear and genuinely helpful.
These “Silent Emails” tips are not a writing or style guide for creating email promotions. They go beyond that. They form the foundation for communicating from your authentic, real self.
And what is your authentic, real self? Ultimately, it’s the stillness, silence, and awareness of your essential being. When that silence is expressed in all your marketing, it connects with the silence and authenticity in others.
If you come from that place of silence, you can’t go wrong.
Cheers, Robert
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