The Idea Partners Sessions
What is the purpose of Idea Partners?
To connect, communicate, collaborate, and celebrate with other self-employed professionals in the Action Plan Marketing Community.
What’s Possible with Idea Partners?
Being a self-employed professional can be a lonely pursuit.
It’s you, alone, all of the time – body, mind, and soul.
Wouldn’t it be great to connect with others like yourself?
When you do, you can multiply your effectiveness and impact.
What Do We Do In Idea Partners?
It’s a twice-monthly gathering of those in the Action Plan Marketing Community for the purpose of…
Connecting with others in the community
Having powerful conversations.
Sharing ideas, resources, and connections.
Celebrating what we have in common.
What do we explore?
I’ll always have a provocative question for the group, we’ll have some spirited interaction as well as discussions in small breakout rooms.
It will be the most action-packed event of your week. Or a total colossal waste of 90 precious minutes.
30 to 50 people. With my friends and people you will probably, kinda like (except for Horace.)
I’ll ask you a question. You’ll all have the chance to answer that question and be fully heard by everyone. Pandamonium optional.
And wouldn’t those be pretty awesome conversations if you knew you were heard?
How does it work?
We meet on Zoom and connect with each other in different configurations.
That might be sharing with the whole group and/or dividing into breakout groups.
The conversations and explorations will be a little different each time.
We are a live space where you can share your truth in the moment.
And Everyone will hear you. We have an app for that.
Virtual Connecting: You can also share messages and contact info in the Zoom chat if you choose to connect with others later. So, gather, explore, connect, have fun. Live the second and fourth Fridays.
What is it not?
It’s not a webinar, a class, a demonstration or a pitch.
It’s not a podcast, an interview show, or a rant.
It is not social media. It is a live conversation.
It’s not a paid program, it’s a gift to you.
We explore what’s possible and what we’re committed to.
And we discover what we are willing to have – right now.
When Is Idea Partners?
The second and fourth Friday of each month
Time is 12 noon PT to 1:30 PT (1MT, 2CT, 3ET, 8UK, 9EU)
Click to Reserve Your Space in the Next Idea Partners
Friday, June 9, 2023
Can you invite your friends? Yes, but only if they are smart and cool.