Dear Action Plan Marketing Community Members,
The purpose of this community is to bring together people that I’ve worked with – in the past and currently – to support each other in moving our business and projects forward. Projects that make a real difference.
Monthly Group Mastermind Gatherings
We will meet once a month on the first Friday of the month at 12 noon PT (1MT, 2CT, 3ET, 8UK, 9EU)
Upcoming Dates: April 1, May 6, June 3, July 8th (one week later in July), August 5, September 2, October 7, November 4, December 2 (Suggestion: Mark your calendars now!)
We will meet via Zoom at this link:
You’ll receive a few reminder emails before each monthly gathering.
By the way, please do not share this page. This is only for past and present clients of Action Plan Marketing.
Google Group
And we will also interact on our Google Group:
To join the Google Group, just click on that link and request to join. You need to use the email that you use to sign in to Google or an alias of that email.
Community Gathering Videos
Below are videos of the APM Mastermind Gatherings. With comments about what we covered.
Session #1 – March 4, 2022
In this first session, participants declared their intentions for a project/challenge/cause. I open by talking about the power of intentions and then discuss how to powerfully articulate an intention. Then several participants speak their intentions to the whole group. The result of this declaration of intentions is more clarity about intentions, next steps, and the support needed to move forward.
Assignment: Work on articulating your Intention for your project/challenge/crusade, plus your next steps and request for support. The instructions for this are in the first part of the video. Then post this in the Google Group. Mark your calendar for our next gathering on April 1.
Session #2 – April 1, 2022
In this second session, we will build on our intentions, share our progress, and ask for specific support in terms of ideas, resources, and/or connections. Video will be posted later in the day on April 1.