Mastery of Marketing Campaigns3 min read
The majority of clients who have come to me over the years want to know how to get more clients faster.
And they’re often looking for a “silver bullet” that will draw new clients to them magically.
The closest thing I know to a silver bullet is a marketing campaign.
When I look back to all my marketing successes over the past 35 years, they were all based on step-by-step campaigns.
A campaign means working in an organized and active way towards a specific goal.
My campaigns tended to focus on one primary marketing activity such as networking, speaking, or emailing.
These days, the kinds of marketing campaigns may have changed somewhat in terms of the strategy, but one thing will never change:
Every successful marketing campaign takes study, focus, direction, and consistent implementation.
This is both extremely simple and extraordinarily difficult.
It’s not that the strategies themselves are difficult, it’s that keeping at it, week after week, takes unusual persistence and resilience.
After all, in a campaign, you need to get out there and communicate the value of your professional services to people who don’t know you, don’t care about you and who have priorities other than yours.
You have to face indifference, rejection, and failure. And that’s not easy for anyone.
I found that the ultimate way to succeed (other than working hard) was to adopt certain mindsets, perspectives, and attitudes that could carry me through the rough patches.
With a lot of study and work, I learned to align myself with ideas that were more powerful, more real, and more uplifting than the beliefs that inevitably triggered me when things didn’t go the way I wanted them to.
Here are a few that I found useful over the years:
When someone doesn’t return my phone call:
“Perhaps they’re busy right now. No big deal, I’ll try again later.”
When someone doesn’t show interest:
“Not everyone is going to be interested in what I have to offer. But there are other people who probably will be.”
When a particular strategy gets virtually no response:
“Oh, well, at least I know what doesn’t work. Time to try something different.” (Also known as the Thomas Edison mindset.)
When it seems to take forever to get something right:
“Well, I’m pretty new at this, what do I expect, overnight mastery? No, if I keep at it, I’ll get better and better over time.”
When what I’m doing feels boring, pointless, or hopeless:
“Let’s see how I can make this into a game and just do the best I can with what I’ve got. I’ll give it a fair chance to succeed.”
Adopting these kinds of perspectives tends to greatly reduce the frustration that commonly arises when your campaign goes sideways.
I’ve discovered that any and all difficulties arise, not from the situation itself, but from my thinking that things should be somehow different than what they actually are.
So, if you have a challenging marketing campaign to implement, you first of all need to realize that not everything will go the way you want. You know, like 100% of the time.
But this doesn’t need to set you back for long if you get real.
“I didn’t get the results I wanted. That’s what happened, that’s the way it is. Oh, well. What’s next?”
That is the only true path to marketing mastery that I know.
Cheers, Robert
P.S. Reading stuff that reinforces this perspective sure doesn’t hurt. I’ve been doing this for about 50 years. Here’s one of a zillion articles online that you also might find valuable.
[…] The entire article written by Robert can be found HERE. […]