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Marketing, Selling, And Loving Your Clients2 Min Read

Marketing, Selling, and Loving Your Clients2 min read


Do you love your clients? I mean do you really like, appreciate, and cherish them?

I do, and not just because they pay me and are the source of my livelihood.

I love them because I really get to know them. In our work together we explore their goals, their dreams, their challenges, and their disappointments.

I love them because they’re very much like me and are going through the many things I’ve gone through in my life and my business over the years.

They are kindred souls. I think of them often, worry about them, and send good wishes to them.

And when I meet with them, I feel happy, excited, and joyful about their work, their progress, and their commitment to making a difference through their work.

Clients are a lot like children. You teach and nurture them so that they can stand on their own, achieve success, and realize their dreams.

And when I’m complete working with them and they “leave home” I miss them and think about them often.

But I also sometimes feel guilty that I’m not in touch with them enough to hear about both their progress and their struggles.

But with hundreds of ex-clients, that’s kinda hard!

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you.

I don’t know what it’s like with you and your clients. But I sincerely hope you love them as well.

When It comes right down to it, I can’t imagine any other way to relate to my clients.

When we meet for the first time to talk about working together, it’s a lot like a first date.

We’re feeling each other out and getting to know each other. And if that first meeting goes well, then we mutually agree to work together.

Sometimes the working relationship lasts only a few months, but sometimes a year or more, and then we go our separate ways.

We’re both left with memories. Hopefully, mostly positive, with something to show for our time together.

I know I’m always talking about marketing and selling. But those words are rather cold and impersonal, aren’t they?

I think we need a new language for this process of getting out there and connecting with people whom we can make a difference with through our work.

A language that is less about transactions and more about relationships.

A language that is less about making money and more about transforming lives.

A language that is welcoming and expansive, not full of hype and manipulation.

If you have any ideas, please let me know!

Cheers, Robert

P.S. If you like this topic, let me know and I’ll write more.


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