About Action Plan Marketing
Who is this Action Plan Marketing Guy?
Hi, I’m Robert Middleton,
With 39 years of experience working with self-employed B2B professionals (consultants, coaches, trainers) I know what it takes to attract more of your ideal, high-end clients.
I learned early on that the keys to attracting great clients were a proactive approach to connecting, building relationships, and adding real value.
In fact, in 2000, I wrote the book on attracting clients, The InfoGuru Marketing Manual, an online bestseller that kickstarted the profession of helping self-employed professionals market themselves more successfully.
Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of self-employed professionals be better marketers of their services, get meetings with qualified buyers, and close more high-end services, programs, and projects.
My experience has shown me that the essence of marketing professional services is clearly communicating your value, putting that value in front of your prospective clients, and then demonstrating exactly how you can help them get the outcomes they want.
The primary service I offered was an intensive group training and coaching program, The Getting Out There Group, that doesn’t just show you how to successfully attract your ideal clients but gets you into action, implementing what you learn so that you meet with and land more new clients.
Ideal participants for this program were self-employed B2B professionals who had a passion to make a difference with their clients but tended to avoid reaching out and connecting with new prospective clients.
I also worked with self-employed B2B professionals if they preferred to work with me individually, not in a group.
Learn more about how I work here.
Please note that as of August 2023 I have retired. I am continuing with a weekly email newsletter, “The Way I See it…” You can sign up for it on the home page of this website and get a free report called: “Your Guide to ChatGPT as the Ultimate Thinking Tool.”
Thanks for visiting, and I hope you can extract some value from this website. Make sure to also visit my Free Stuff page for a whole lot of free marketing resources, videos, etc.
Robert Middleton
P.S. Make sure to watch the 86 second video at the top explaining my approach to marketing. Hope you like it.
That’s me below, with Meera, in my home office in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Life is good. And fun.
“I wanted to take a moment and thank you for all you have given me for the last 20 years. I am so deeply grateful for all of your wisdom, expert guidance, support, and creativity that you have poured into the world. Your support of my development as a self-employed consultant has allowed me to build a beautiful life with my husband.”
– Colleen C. Boyd.
I’ve been an independent consultant for 32 years. Robert’s work was the most important and impactful marketing help I’ve had – it kept me getting clients when I had no idea how to do that. It’s a crazy bargain at the price.
– David Brode