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How To Make Your Marketing Flow5 Min Read

How to Make Your Marketing Flow5 min read


Making your marketing flow is something most Independent Professionals would welcome. We’d all like our marketing to result in a flow of new clients. But exactly what would that marketing flow look like?

You’d have no resistance to marketing, no fears, no avoidance, no stuckness. You’d come up with creative ideas and plans and you’d find ways to implement them without a lot of struggle or effort.

You wouldn’t be discouraged by things that didn’t work that well because that would be all part of the flow. You’d go back to the drawing board, analyze, study, and try something else. You’d persist and have fun and experience joy at the same time. And ultimately you’d get great results from your marketing, attract your ideal clients and make good money.

Is there a secret to finding flow in your marketing?

Yes, but it’s not what you think it is. There is nothing you have to do to achieve flow. Things are already flowing. You are the flow itself.

When we think of flow, we think of a river. A river just flows without effort, steadily, continuously, elegantly – you know, like Ol’ Man River.

Can anything impede the flow of a river? Yes, a dam or obstruction can impede the flow. If a river is blocked, it will back up, it will slow down, and the water in the river will stagnate.

Now, it’s just the same in your marketing. The flow is already there. You can’t add to the flow; it already flows perfectly. But you can certainly dam the flow, block the flow, obstruct the flow and resist the flow.

And this is exactly what we do. We don’t let our marketing flow because we dam it and block it, not in reality, but through our limiting, constrictive beliefs.

Here are 5 beliefs that block the flow of marketing:

1. You believe it has to be done right or perfectly or according to a “correct formula.” You have to know exactly what to do before you get started. This removes all creativity, spontaneity, and flow from your marketing.

2. You believe that marketing leads to rejection and humiliation. Yes, just letting your marketing flow seems dangerous and risky. So you become very careful, very held back, very cautious. And the flow stops.

3. You believe that you don’t have anything of real value to offer your clients. So you never really put it out there. Instead, you hold back and avoid sharing your value and the difference you can make. You put a cork in the flow.

4. You believe you don’t have the time to engage in marketing. So you make excuses and engage in delay tactics and avoidance behaviors. You fail to see that flow doesn’t take any time; your schedule naturally fills with productive activities when the belief in time scarcity drops.

5. You believe that marketing is an interruption, that it annoys and pressures people. So you hold back, act timidly and unconfident, not ruffling any feathers. When you’re in the flow of marketing, you become naturally attractive, compelling, and magnetic.

These five beliefs (and many more like them) are all impeding the natural flow of your marketing. Fears, doubts, uncertainty, worry, scarcity, small thinking and stress all act as dams or blocks to the flow of marketing.

You don’t have to add to the flow, pump yourself up for more flow, repeat flow-based affirmations, focus intently on the flow, or think positive flow-thoughts. Flow (also known as life) doesn’t need any of that.

It flows just fine by itself. Always has, always will.

But how do you remove the blocks from the flow?

The main thing you do is explore them; notice what they are doing, ask what the cost and payoff of holding onto them is, and realize that they are largely imaginary.

I’ve found that the best way is to ask some “pithy and powerful questions.” 

1. What am I believing that is impeding the flow?

2. Is that belief true and is it working for me?

3. What’s it costing me to hold onto that belief? (Lack of results, avoidance, self-esteem, etc.)

4. What’s the payoff of identifying with that belief? (Staying comfortable and avoiding any discomfort.)

5. What possibilities (flow) might open up for me if I could no longer hold onto that belief?

What we imagine might happen if we opened to the flow of marketing, in my experience, is much, much worse than anything that ever actually happens. In fact, it’s usually the exact opposite. When we are open to flow, our marketing works out just fine. And you may realize…

1. You can never do anything perfectly. But you can do the best you can with what you’ve got.

2. Rejection is rarely personal – people may just not be interested right now, which makes space for other people.

3. You are inherently valuable. That’s what people are attracted to, not some inauthentic façade.

4. When you notice all the time you spend wasting time, you’ll start to find all the time you need.

5. Marketing isn’t an interruption; it’s an opportunity to connect authentically. That’s exactly what people want.

Keep questioning these limiting beliefs that are stopping your marketing flow and they’ll start to drop away. You’ll start to experience that the natural flow of marketing will take you on a wonderful and exciting journey.

What happens when your marketing flows is that your clients get YOU. What a gift!

Cheers, Robert


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The Club is a collection of online marketing courses and tutorials, expert interviews, and resources – with hands-on, step-by-step strategies and guidance on how to attract more of your ideal clients.

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