I’m in the Optimism Business1 min read
I watch a lot of political news. Too much, perhaps.
And a large proportion of it consists of bashing the other side. There’s a lot of anger, blame, and polarization.
Both Republicans and Democrats tend to do that, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. And after a while, it can be a complete turnoff, which makes us tune out politics.
So, it was very refreshing this past week to watch the videos below that were quite different.
The first features Lawrence O’Donnell (MSNBC) interviewing Bill Bradley (NBA basketball star and former US Senator), talking about his approach to politics, which he called “being in the optimism business.”
I think you may find it inspiring.
Click on any video to play them.
The next one is from Amanda Weinstein of “The Suburban Woman Problem Podcast” which addresses the real issues American women are facing and both what they are looking for and what they don’t want from the government.
And, finally, Bill Maher on Identity Politics. Bill makes the point that we need to stop talking about the things that make Americans different from each other and start honoring the things that make us the same (with his usual humorous twist).
I found these videos relevant, inspiring, and, most importantly, speak to pertinent issues in politics and the upcoming election.
The question is, what do we want for ourselves, our families, and the country? And I think we can work to articulate those things clearly and powerfully.
And maybe we can also laugh at ourselves in the process.
Cheers, Robert