I Appreciate You!3 min read
Yeah, 2020, has been a really tough year. But you hung in there with all the challenges. And I want to congratulate you and appreciate you for all you’ve done.
– stayed cocooned in your home office for the past 9 months,
– moved your business to virtual meetings via Zoom,
– worn a mask whenever you’ve ventured into the zombie apocalypse,
– stocked up on toilet paper and organic peanut butter at Costco,
– tried anything and everything to get the attention of new clients,
– spent waaaaay too much time on Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix,
– took up baking bread, macrame, and home workouts,
– got to know the Tiger King, the Mandalorian, and the Queen’s Gambit.
So, I appreciate all you’ve done. I know it hasn’t been easy. Money may have been tight. And you haven’t been sure how to keep your business going during these crazy times.
Perhaps the challenges got you motivated and your creativity kicked in and you made some great things happen.
But you survived, and I hope those near and dear to you came through it OK as well. I know some didn’t and it’s been devastating.
So, the New Year is upon us. We have vaccines that are safe and proven to work. We have a new president who we pray will succeed.
But it’s not over yet. The pandemic is still raging and our nerves are frayed. What will we do next to not only survive but thrive?
This is what I do. Three steps that I take every day keep me sane and moving forward.
1. Tell the truth about WHAT IS
In challenging times, it only makes things worse if we make up stuff that’s simply not true. We need to face reality. Breathe, and get present in the here and now several times a day.
Yes, things may be overwhelming, but it’s also true that there are people out there who need our help. And we have a wide range of skills and abilities to make a contribution – even in these difficult times.
If we stay present to what is actually happening, we will also tend to spot opportunities we may have missed before.
2. VISUALIZE Your Desired Future and Outcomes
Don’t worry so much about what you will do. That takes care of itself when you get very clear about where you want to go.
Who can you help, what can you offer them, what difference will it make, and how will it feel? That’s the kind of visualization that gets me excited about what’s possible.
The Marketing Action Group I launched this year came out of this kind of visualization and it’s been my most successful program in years.
3. Go into ACTION. One step at a time.
This is not a time for frantic activity or grandiose plans. We need to keep our wits about us and take persistent, steady, and calm steps.
And we need enough rest, exercise, and nourishment to maintain our focus and energy.
For me, these past months haven’t been about doing a LOT of things, but doing a few things the best I possibly could. And I let whatever I accomplished be enough. Then the next steps always revealed themselves without pressure or stress.
Ultimately, we will get through this, and with this kind of work, we are going to be more focused, happier, and successful.
I wish you all the best for the Holiday Season, Christmas, and the New Year!
Cheers, Robert