Developing the Art of Patience2 min read
Today’s article is one in a series of many. These articles will be my take on expansive qualities we want to experience and express more in our lives. I will incorporate ideas from the wisest people in history to help me make my case. I hope you enjoy them.
Today’s topic, Patience, is one I’ve had to nurture in launching my post retirement newsletter. So thanks for sticking with me as I’ve been searching for an approach that I feel I can stick with for the long term. Your feedback and encouragement is always appreciated.
“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” – Joyce Meyer
Patience is always something I’ve struggled with. I want what I want and I want it now!
To me, patience feels like a super-power. When I have it, everything flows. When I don’t, everything falls apart.
Lao Tzu may say it best, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
In our crazy-busy online world, patience seems to be a luxury we don’t think we can afford.
But if we don’t work to nurture patience, things usually take longer and we feel even more stressed.
Tolstoy said: “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”
We seem to be caught in the illusion that if only things happened faster and the way we wanted, we would be happier and more successful.
But that is never true.
Ultimately, impatience is the rejection of what is.
And that only leads to frustration, anger, blame and a brooding discontent.
Can we learn to embrace patience and acceptance amidst the chaos?
Can we find calm inside the storm, and release that grip on the reins of control?
When we commit to being more patient, more accepting, and more relaxed, life feels calmer, easier, more fun and alive.
You can also think of patience as a muscle you build.
Think of something you really want to do but have been too impatient to tackle in your life or business.
Then take it on as a project. Start slow, have fun with it, enjoy the process and forget about the end result.
This just might make you a more patient person. And at the end of it, you’ll have developed a valuable skill or habit.
The one I’m taking on is daily exercising.
Tell me something you would like to take on – with patience.
Cheers, Robert