15 Pithy Marketing Quotations2 min read
I love quotations. When I started my business, I compiled a hundred or more quotes about success and read them frequently.
I own books of quotations and look up quotations online almost every day. Quotations are condensed wisdom.
Read a few wise quotes in the morning, and they’ll work on your thinking for the rest of the day.
Over the years, I’ve come up with a few of my own in the domain of attracting clients. Here are 15 of them to chew on…
1. Marketing your professional services is a game. The game is to find great clients you love to work with. And because it’s a game, it should be played with a certain degree of exuberance.
2. To win any game, you need to both understand the rules and then learn and master the moves. Until you do that, marketing will remain a mystery and a slog.
3. Nobody really cares about what you do. But they care a whole lot about how your work can help them get what they want.
4. Marketing messages about problems almost always work better than messages about solutions. My favorite, of course, is: “Burning, itching, swelling? You need…” :–)
5. When someone is interested in your services, they will always want more information. So make sure you have that information!
6. Everyone is afraid of rejection. So approach people in a way that addresses their interests and needs, not yours.
7. The best way to get response is to give away something valuable for free (like a report). Those who request your free report become your best prospects.
8. What’s the worst thing that can happen if you reach out to someone? Will they send a hitman to take you out? No, so relax!
9. Never underestimate the power of relationships in making new connections. Find commonalities, and you won’t be a stranger.
10. People really don’t like clever marketing. However, they do like marketing that is fun. But you have to be quite clever to make something fun.
11. People never seem to be ready to buy now. So stay in front of them with your ideas (i.e., a newsletter) until they are ready to buy.
12. Selling has very little to do with having a golden tongue. But it has a lot to do with having a golden ear. Listen, listen, listen!
13. A well-drafted guarantee breaks down the resistance to a client agreeing to work with you. It demonstrates your confidence.
14. I’m not very smart, so the only way for me to succeed is to be very, very persistent. (And also know when to give up and move on.)
15. Your marketing strategy failed? Big deal. Think up a new one. Strategies are endless. Sooner or later, one will work for you.
There it is, a summary of my ideas over 39 years in 15 quotes. It really doesn’t get a whole lot more complicated than that!
What’s a quote that had guided your life or your business through the years?
Cheers, Robert