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The More Clients Club Membership

When you’re ready to attract a lot of great clients

If you don’t have as many clients as you need and you don’t know how to attract them…

If you’re tired of hype-filled marketing and want to market with authenticity and integrity…

If you’re sick and tired of avoiding, delaying and procrastinating about marketing…

And if you’re ready to take action but your marketing budget is tight…

Then keep reading…

What you need to consistently attract new paying clients:

You need good, solid marketing information and time-tested systems that work. You don’t need generalities; you need specifics such as:

1. Exactly how to communicate in a way that generates attention and interest. Marketing is 100% communication, so this is extraordinarily important. And almost everyone is bad at this.

2. You need written marketing materials and a website that are professional. First impressions count, and you need to grab attention and provide the information to give your prospects reasons to take the next step.

3. You need various step-by-step marketing strategies. And you need to implement them and get yourself out there. You need to connect with people, educate them about your services and find those who need what you have to offer.

4. You need a complete, bullet-proof selling or enrollment process to convert qualified prospects into paying clients. This is actually quite easy if you structure your conversations so that prospects see the real value in working with you.

These are the fundamentals you must understand to be successful with your marketing. 

So, if you want marketing information that works to attract clients and instruction on putting that information into action, you’re in the right place. Let me tell you all about the More Clients Club and how it can help you attain your marketing goals.

“Even though I was an experienced business professional of over 30 years, and ran companies that had million dollar advertising and marketing budgets I had no idea how to market just me! The More Clients Club which I joined just nine months ago, with all of its wonderful features and benefits fixed all that. 

“I started this year off using the tools and processes outlined in the Club and have landed three significant consulting engagements in the first two months equaling the entire total from last year.” 

– Wayne Breitbart

The More Clients Club was designed for you

The More Clients Club is an online membership website for Independent Professionals that provides the information you need to market yourself successfully with how-to and hands-on tutorials that build your marketing expertise, skills, and confidence.

Solid, Proven, and Tested Marketing Information – The Club consists of several step-by-step marketing tutorials, programs, and courses. Instead of reading hundreds of long books, as I did (where 50% or more was filler), you get very focused marketing lessons in both written and audio formats. The exercises and assignments get you to apply what you learn.

My goal was to make the More Clients Club as complete as possible and provide the marketing information and how-tos that worked because they are time-tested systems and approaches – stuff I’ve been using myself and with my clients for over 30 years.

And, by the way, you can still remain an authentic person and keep your integrity intact when you market your professional services. In fact, your authenticity is one of your most valuable marketing assets.

If this all resonates with you, then read below for a complete outline of what’s included in the More Clients Club. 

“I have implemented many improvements in my corporation since joining the More Clients Club. Specifically, an increase in sales contacts which have led to more clients. The biggest impact the Club has made for me is instilling confidence. I’ve learned that it’s OK to be nervous, but to go ahead and do it anyway!”

– Peggy Johnson

dollar advertising

Here’s an overview of what’s included in the More Clients Club

The Club is organized for ease-of-use. Everything is online in one place. If you can follow simple step-by-step directions, you’ll succeed.

It’s divided into the following four parts:

1. The Marketing Action Program. This 10-session program was originally delivered live. It gives you the foundational material for getting your marketing off on the right foot.

2. The Fast Track to More Clients Program – Our primary marketing tutorial on essential, hands-on marketing skills

3. The Core Club Content – Four in-depth programs and tutorials that teach the art of marketing professional services

4. The In-Depth Club Content  –  Additional materials such as interviews, recordings, and resources that give you the edge

This gives you a complete, step-by-step program for attracting more of your ideal clients.

“Your program is SO HELPFUL!!! So complete, (the website info & examples, alone are usually guarded material)…so packed with everything an independent professional needs, I have NEVER experienced anything like it!

“I have been searching, digging and following a bunch of folks, and I’ve worked with web people, editors, copywriters, coaches trying to get off the ground a bit and have not experienced anything like what you offer. I will be a successful coach because of you!

“Thanks to you I stopped searching & digging for help. At just $29.00/month I have more tools than I need to move from employee to independent professional! Your program, info, and guidance are more than marketing! I have a wealth of respect for you and the service you offer!” 

      – Brian Braudis

Here all the parts of the program.

1. The Marketing Action Program

The is the most recent addition to the Club. I wanted to create a quick-start program that would get new members to the Club up and running quickly with their marketing. It takes you through all the basic steps of setting up a marketing action plan and putting it into action.

2. Fast Track Marketing Program

The Step-by-Step Client-Attracting Program for Independent Professionals. This program takes you through seven modules on successfully marketing your professional services. It explains the core concepts, gives you examples you can apply to your own marketing, and then leads you through hands-on exercises until you understand exactly how to implement that marketing practice in your business. Here’s a quick overview of these seven modules.

1. The Game of Marketing

How to turn marketing into a step-by-step process and make it a game you can win consistently.

2. The Mindset of Marketing

How to think about marketing so that you don’t get stuck or triggered by setbacks and challenges.

3. Your Marketing Message

How to develop an attention-getting marketing message that clearly communicates the value you offer.

4. Marketing Conversations

How to talk about what you do so that prospective clients understand and are motivated to know more.

5. Selling Conversations

How to convert prospective clients into paying clients through offering “Strategy Sessions” that sell.

6. Marketing Materials

How to develop and write marketing materials for your business that engage your prospects.

7. Marketing Strategies and Action Plans

How to develop and implement various marketing strategies that get the word out about your services.

The Fast Track Program Includes written and recorded materials, and hands-on marketing exercises.

In the past, I have found marketing and selling of my services to be difficult and the thing I most dislike doing, and from just the newsletters and watching some of your webinars, I’ve become more accustomed to the notion that it isn’t as bad as I thought. After my deep dive into your materials and tutorials, I’m more comfortable being outside of my comfort zone. Your work is an amazing resource. I especially appreciate your no-hype style of marketing. Being genuine and honest is the only way I want to market my business.

    – Kat Burgess

3 The Club Core Content

As a Club Member, you also get all of the following online programs and courses. As the title says, these are at the CORE of the Club and include the most important marketing information and systems to get your marketing up and running successfully. They all build on the information and exercises in the Fast Track Program.

All of this Core Content is included at no extra cost with your Club membership. 

1. Website ToolKit

If you want to build your website from scratch or improve parts of your existing website, this program gives you detailed step-by-step instructions. It primarily focuses on what content to include on each of the pages in your site with guidelines for design, formatting your site for attractiveness, accessibility and getting response.

Includes step-by-step guidelines for writing every single page of your website, plus actual samples of dozens of web pages, design guidelines, and resources for design and editing. Thousands of people have used this resource.

2. Unstuck Process Program

If you get stuck in your marketing, this program offers a simple, yet powerful step-by-step model for getting unstuck.  Based on the materials in My Unstuck Process Book, you’ll learn to identify stuck beliefs and patterns and get beyond them in a very short period of time.

3. Closing the Big Sale

This program goes into greater depth about the whole selling (or enrollment) process from beginning to end. The emphasis is on selling bigger programs to companies. It includes how to set your business up to sell big programs, write powerful online sales letters and conduct non-manipulative selling conversations.

4. Next Level Courses

This is a collection of Five, 3-part courses on important areas of marketing, including:

1. A System to Get More Done in Less Time

2. Get More Attention with a Magnetic Marketing Message

3. Build Credibility with a Powerful “Core Issue Article”

4. Develop and Design a Home Page that Gets Action

5. Develop Marketing Action Plans That Actually Get Implemented

These courses include recordings, written materials, step-by-step action plans and exercises.

“I bought several of your programs through the years and joined your More Client Club in February 2011, putting in many hours of study and application. What are the results? My Built for Results Program and my marketing work. My income doubled two years ago, and again the year after, and at the start of this year my target for this year is another doubling. 

“Compound doubling is invigorating! I only accept Ideal Clients and only need 8 to 10. I feel very confident but still do a Getting Unstuck Worksheet when stuck. I now have a member login on my website, and next have to optimize every page of my content-rich website. My Daily Dashboard keeps me focused and I am most certainly living and working a full but comfortable seven-day week. Business has never been better.”

       Albert van Niekerk

4. The Club In-Depth Content

In addition to the Core Club Content, Programs and Courses, you get the following in-Depth Marketing Resources. These bonuses expand on the Core Club Materials with marketing action plans, expert interviews, recorded coaching calls and a wide variety of marketing resources.

Again, all of this Bonus Content at no extra cost with your monthly Club membership. 

1. Marketing Action Plans

This is a resource for developing marketing action plans for several marketing strategies that are most effective for Independent Professionals. One of the most useful parts of the Club, we cover five of the most effective marketing strategies in depth, with sample plans, resources, and links to useful articles on the topic.

2. Expert Interviews

This is a collection of recorded expert interviews on virtually every area of attracting clients as an Independent Professional. Includes more than 60 interviews by top marketing experts – you get both audio recordings and transcriptions. All are engaging, informative and practical, full of how-to strategies and plans.

3. Recorded Coaching Calls

The calls include a ton of practical marketing tips. Conducted over a five-year period, they contain dozens of interactive calls on every aspect of marketing you can think of, from messaging to written materials to selling and getting unstuck. The call participants put me on the spot on almost every call and I answer with detailed solutions and strategies.

4. Marketing Resources

This is a big collection of resources you can use in your marketing. It includes the following:

1. PDF copies of the bestselling InfoGuru Marketing Manual and Marketing Ball books.

2. Samples of various Marketing Materials such as articles, websites, marketing plans, etc.

3. Recommended Marketing Books

4. Marketing Partners with recommended services

And that’s it – everything you get in the More Clients Club. Enough to get your marketing started and your business growing for years to come.

“Before I signed up for your Club, I was trying to get the courage up to raise the prices of my services from $1400 to $1900. But after listening to your recent series on high-value, high-priced packages in the Club, I now command $7,100 or more per client! I’m just coming off my two best months ever, at $24K and 26K respectively! Not bad, coming from the $17K I made all year three years ago!” 

           – Tammy Kabell


My promise to you as a Club Member

This is what’s possible for you as a Club member:

1. You can be a better, more successful marketer of your services – without all the hype and manipulations usually associated with marketing. It’s just a matter of understanding certain common-sense marketing principles and practices and then applying them one step at a time.

2. You can get your marketing unstuck and get past your marketing resistance. We’ll show you how to get unstuck, find the information you need, put your plans into action and produce results beyond what you think is possible.

3. I’ve designed the programs and the materials in the Club to be as easy-to-follow as possible. Nothing in the Club is theory or speculation. That’s because I’ve personally applied and successfully implemented these approaches in my own business and my clients’ businesses over the past 30 years.

4. You can grow your business. You can attract more of your ideal clients. You can get better at it one step at a time. And ultimately you can have fun with the process of attracting great clients you love to work with and make the difference you wanted to when you started your business.

I’ve seen this so many times with clients and Club members that I’m not surprised anymore.

Why I can help you with your marketing

I’m Robert Middleton and I’ve been helping Independent Professionals attract more of their ideal clients for 39 years. I don’t have a marketing degree – I’m self-taught – but I got a lot of help from many marketing experts along the way.

What makes me unique is that as soon as I hear about a good marketing idea, I try it out, test it, fine-tune it, prove that it works (or not) and then teach it. I hate theory, I love what actually works. And I also hate marketing hype and BS.

After about fifteen years in business, I wrote the online bestseller, the InfoGuru Marketing Manual, and then led dozens of Marketing Action Groups to teach this material to hundreds of people. That led to my Marketing Mastery Program and the More Clients Club (over 4,580 people have joined over the past 15 years). I’ve also been sending out my More Clients eZine/Blog weekly for almost 20 years to over 30,000 subscribers.

I know this stuff. I’m really good at it and I love teaching it. And most importantly, it works. I also love to help Independent Professionals succeed in their businesses by becoming better, more confident marketers of their services.

“I really plan out time to read and cross-read posts and content from your More Clients Club because I’ve gone from 356 customers just using the spray and pray approach versus targeted communication that gave us the chance to serve 12,112 customers since we implemented the ideas in your system.” 

       Mike Wanner

Join the Club Today

I invite you to join – here’s everything you’ll get:

1. The Fast Track to More Clients Program – the complete marketing tutorial

2. Core Club Content – in-depth marketing programs and courses, including the Website Toolkit.

3. In-Depth Club Content with marketing action plans, expert interviews, coaching calls, and marketing resources.

The total fee for Lifetime Access to the More Clients Club is $497. However, I’ve made it more accessible with a low-cost monthly membership fee.

The Monthly Membership fee for everything in the Club is $9.00 (or quarterly for $24, Yearly for $84) * Please note that the Fearless Mastermind for $50 per month is no longer available.

Membership policy: You can join for as long as you like and leave when you want. However, realize that you will get value in proportion to work on the materials in the Club. If you really want to take your marketing to a whole new level, plan to systematically work through the program materials to the fullest extent possible.

After your first month, you will be automatically charged $9 per month unless you ask us to stop your membership. 

Here’s what to do: Click on the link below, and you’ll be taken to a sign-up page.

By the way, if you’re worried this is not for you, I urge you to check it out for one month. If you don’t like it, let me know before the month is over, and I’ll refund your first month’s fee. And, again, you can end your membership at any time.


Click here to join  – $9/mo

Just choose the Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly or Lifetime Access and select
Credit Card or PayPal as your payment method.


Once you’re in, check out the home page and poke around the different sections of the Club. 

I wish you all the best with your marketing.


Robert Middleton

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